Safe Workstation Best Practices

Your operators safety is important to us and that’s why we have PPE equipment to seamlessly incorporate OSHA requirements into your workstation. Now you can protect your operators on the production line as well as comply with OSHA 1910 Subpart S.

Safe Workstation Best PracticesSafe Workstation Best Practices

DUT Safety Enclosure
Wired to the Hipot tester’s Remote Safety Interlock, this protects you from touching the DUT while a test is in progress. If the enclosure door is opened, the tester’s high voltage is immediately disabled.


Signal Tower Light
Gives an indication as to the status of the testing area. A green light indicates the Hipot tester is not outputting high voltage and the test area is safe. A red light indicates that the Hipot tester is active and to stay clear of the test area.


Warning Signs
Mark the testing area with clearly posted signs that read:
DANGER - HIGH VOLTAGE TEST AREA - Authorized Personnel Only


New Hypot Series
Increase production line throughput and ensure compliance with the improved functionality of the Hypot Series Hipot Tester.


Emergency Stop Button
An E-stop button is located on the perimeter of the test area. In the event of an emergency, someone outside the test area can hit the E-Stop button to immediately cut off power to the entire test station.


Non-Conductive Work Bench
Only use a work bench made of non-conductive material such as plastic or wood. This ensures no stray leakage current could flow through you during a test.


High Voltage Insulation Mat
The electrical insulation mat is an ideal means for adding a level of operator safety. This mat is formulated to provide electrical insulation for the operator. Insulating matting isolates the operator from ground thereby preventing electrical shock. Proof Tested to 20,000 V.


Dual Palm Remote Switches
Two hand operation switches force the operator to place a hand on each switch and hold them throughout the test.